Thursday, 19 September 2013


              Minecraft For the Newbies

This is for those guys that want to, but don't know how to play Minecraft.

                                 Intro to Minecraft

Minecraft is a 3-D sandbox style game where you, as the player must survive in the wilderness. You can see a video at                          

        Surviving your first day.
In Minecraft, you must collect tools before nightfall, because during the night, terrible monsters come out to kill you. Wood is the most basic thing in Minecraft and is the roots of everything. You must collect as much wood as possible. Wood can then be crafted into wooden planks. Use planks to craft a crafting table. Use planks to build a house enough to fit you, and a crafting table.
The first tools you should create be a pickaxe, a sword, an axe, and a shovel.

                                      After your first day

   Once the sun comes back up the monsters will burn. Go outside once you are completely sure that all monsters have died. Get more supplies, then you must create a pickaxe to gather stone. Stone has more uses than wood and is faster. After you mine stone with a wood pick, it will turn into cobblestone. 
use cobblestone to create stone tools. They will be made the same as the wood tools but you will have to replace the wooden planks with the cobblestone. Also, destroy pieces of your house and replace them with cobblestone. Craft a furnace, so you can smelt and cook food.

                                               After your first couple of days...

You should have a improved house and more supplies. You now must get iron. You get iron by smelting iron ore. Iron ore should look like stone, except it will have small beige particles on it. Make iron tools, do it like you created stone ones. The same, just with iron instead of stone/wood. Then do it with diamond or gold.

                         Exceptions and advanced other shtuff.

While mining stone or collecting wood gives you full blocks, iron, gold, and diamond give you ingots or pieces (iron and gold give you ingots, diamond gives you diamond pieces). You need to fill the entire crafting table with ingots/pieces (so you need 9) to create a block.
                                  Smelting and cooking.
Cooking is very simple.

If you want more info on specific parts of Minecraft, and further info, check the Minecraft Wiki at

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